Guided by principles. Inspired by diversity. Supported by community. The Plus Collective shares a humanity based in love.
The Plus Collective is a giving program and foundation that awards grants to organizations that support the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community in the Charlotte, North Carolina region while also cultivating partnerships with community allies.
Impact Report
Learn more about The Plus Collective and the organizations we fund in our year-in-review in our most recent Impact Report.
Our Story
Our story began in 2003 when a group of Charlotteans saw the need for prioritized funding for LGBTQ+ non-profit organizations and established Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund. Since then, our centralized fundraising and grant-making organization helped support a wide range of vital non-profits in Charlotte-Mecklenburg — from arts to education, from healthcare to athletics. Having the words “lesbian” and “gay” in the name was an intrepid decision at the time to highlight emphatically those in our community supported by the mission of the Fund.
While the name historically served as a bold statement, it did not reflect the diversity of our community and our mission of inclusivity. In 2021, the name was changed to The Plus Collective to open doors to all who support and are supported by the LGBTQ+ community and to leave that door fully open to an even more inclusive future.
After 20+ years of service, we continue to proudly celebrate all of our diverse and vibrant community.
Board of Directors
Louis Kemp
Vice Chair
Malone Lockaby
Bank of America
Kevan Ohl
Wells Fargo
Jenny Gunn
Java Notes Records
Scott Mealus
Bank of America
Bryan Segers
United Community Bank
Douglas Taylor